April 23, 2017

green stuff aka it's healthy

wow, this is like my first post in 2017, can't believe 1/3 of the year has already past. time is crazy, how it changes people, thinking and just in general how we work aka aging. this past month lots of things happened, i look back to my old photos, posts, life. there are actually lots of ideas floating around my mind but i just didn't have time - that's totally an excuse, i believe people will always make time for the things / people they have feelings for. so here i am, i decided to bring this blog/page/ platform back (whatever you want to call it) because this is where I can spam my photos, thoughts and perhaps organize them AND maybe some of you would like to see what i am up to, maybe? i don't know how long this will last, but i want to experiment or more like just go for it? (hah)
... but since it's confusing and directionless, there is nothing to lose right? 

something i am very sure about is the passion for food and photography, oh and music (almost forget about it) i love to eat, that't like a never fail method to cheer me up (shhh!) and i like my food to be pretty. well not always, but delicious plus photogenic food make an A+ in my heart. i love trying new things, checking out if the new hype restaurant if really that yummy, photographing boring things and try to maybe make it interestinger (still very new to this but)...  

enough of me talking about the recent me, lets talk about these avocado beauties. avocado is like my new addiction, they are easy to make, creamy and healthy (its green!) it has a good source of pantothenic acid, dietary fiber, vitamin K, copper, folate, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamin E, and vitamin C...(thanks to google) and it's a fruit. i usually just season it however i like it, with salt, lime juice (prevents it from turning brown also lightens up the creaminess), red pepper flakes (lots), and sometimes honey. after mixing them up, spread on any kind bread you like, i use sourdough from dean & deluca here. usually i like to top it with smoked salmon, eggs, tomatoes or bacon (rarely). just whatever i found in my fridge basically. i roasted my tomatoes with salt and olive oil while toasting up my bread, also made an avocado rose for fun and a 6 minutes soft boiled egg for that runny yolk goodness :p 


that's a wrap, in case you are curious, i got my coffee table from ikea, dinnerware from cb2 and flatware from westelm. i shot my food with nikon d610 with 50mm and natural light from my window. hope you enjoy reading a bit more about me. until next time :)


  1. So in love with your photos😍(And you of course❤️)

    1. Aww thank you so much for stopping by!!! miss you lahhhh ♥
